Airblue and Pia in Fierce Competition

Air blue have successfully launched their new aircraft airbus a340 and completed their first flight from Islamabad to Manchester, although the scheduled flight was initially cancelled on the 27 Nov all passengers were accommodated in 5 star hotel accommodation in Islamabad. It is not known why the flight was cancelled but we anticipate it may have been due to some technical difficulties or due to the crew needing more time to familiarize themselves with he new aircraft.

Air blue have faced some delays in the past and very recently at the launch of their a340, however they have managed to resolve this quickly and have a scheduled departure from Manchester today.

Airblue have continued to provide a very good level of service consistently, there have been little reports of people dissatisfied with the service received from the airline. It appears that they have successfully progressed in a very short space of time with 4 weekly flights to Islamabad and Lahore it is anticipated that the airline will outclass Pakistan’s  national carrier in the very near future. Air blue and Pia are  head to head at the moment when it comes to passenger numbers carried. It appears from air blue’s success that it is not the underdog anymore, pia have today announced a further reduction in the fares and introduced some perks for their appointed travel agents.

Over the last year fare’s have soared incredibly, we have seen unprecedented prices during the last year with typical fare’s during the Easter term ranging from £800 to £1100 with passengers paying just over £1000 for a return ticket to Pakistan during the most busiest dates, air blue has also taken advantage of the high fares charged by their competitors and therefore have taken advantage of this by having fares ranging from ££600 – £900 during the busiest seasons.

Air blue do offer customers on a budget a lower fare than any other airline flying out of Manchester by introducing fares as low as £460 per person on a return flight to Islamabad or Lahore. And giving away very generous commissions to its appointed travel agents.

Air blue have a very professional, qualified and courteous staff  who get on very well with travel agents, they have a very strict policy but have a common sense approach to problem solving, this has been an incredibly well focused operation it appears that part of their continued success has been partly due to their focus on key things such as quality of  service, keeping a positive approach,  being efficient, a polite attitude towards their business partners and customers and among other things a real attitude to succeed, they have surely hit the right notes and taken the airline to the next level they have provided the Pakistani community with a well deserved and outstanding levels of service.

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